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Nests Amazing Animals

Posted by Unknown Aug 9, 2011 0 comments
Not to be outdone by humans, animals also have a high architectural value in building the nest, even beauty often we can not imagine how they make it. Below we present some animals who have a taste of high value in terms of building its nest.

1. Weaver Bird's Nest
Weaver birds build permanent nests in trees and other objects are high. These nests will be large enough to house dozens of families of birds, containing several generations at once. Nests are highly structured to give the bird a more comfortable feel than the conditions outside. Center of the room remained hot and is used for night and lay eggs. Outer space is used for shelter during the day.

2. Anthill
Complex ant nests built by many members of the colony. Ant nests are built underground or in trees. This ant nests can be found in the soil, under rocks or wood and inside the hollow stone. Materials used for development is land and plants . ants nest  are always heavily guarded, so not to disturb him.

3. Beaver Dam - Beaver

Dam angry - furious created as a protection against predators, like coyotes, wolves and bears, and to provide easy access to food during the winter. Furious - furious always worked at night and prolific builders, carrying mud and stones with the front is lined wood with his teeth.

Because of this, destroying a beaver dam without removing the furious - furious difficult, especially if the dam downstream is an active inn. Furious - furious can build a base such as dams overnight.

4. Honey Bee Nests

Honeybees are one species of bee that builds its nest from wax derived from the nectar of flowers that last produced a body wax by the bees themselves. Honeycomb itself always provides many benefits for human life.

5. Termite nests

Worker termites build nests and defend their colonies like home. This is a complicated structure made using a combination of soil, mud, wood dikunya / cellulose, and saliva. Termite nests consist of tunnels as a gallery effectively provide air and control the balance CO2/O2, as well as allow termites to move through the hive.

Nests are usually built underground, in large pieces of wood, fallen trees or live in the treetops. Some species build on land, and can develop into a stunning mound.

6. Tree Frogs

As the name implies, these frogs are usually found in very high or trees and plants are high. They usually do not go down to the ground, when they built a foam lay eggs on leaves and during their lives into adulthood rarely leave the trees.
