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Islam is Already on the American Far Before the arrival of Columbus

Posted by Unknown Aug 10, 2011 0 comments

السلام عليكم . بِسْــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم.لا إله إلاَّ الله.محمد رسو ل الله
الحمد لله رب العا لمين. الصلاة و السلام على رسو ل الله.اما بعد

If you visit Washington DC, came to the Library of Congress (Library of Congress). Then, ask the United States government archives agreement with the Cherokee tribe, one of the Indians, 1787. There will be found the signatures at that time Chief of the Cherokee tribe, named AbdeKhak and Muhammad Ibn Abdullah.

The contents of the agreement include the right of the Cherokee tribe to establish a presence in trade, shipping, and the Cherokee tribal form of government which was based on Islamic law. Furthermore, to be found dressed in the habit of covering aurat Cherokee tribe, while the male wearing a turban (turban) and the canal up to the knees.

This dress code can be found in photographs or paintings Cherokee tribe who were photographed prior to 1832. Cherokee chiefs last before finally completely extinct from mainland America was a Muslim named  Ramadan ibn wati.
Speaking about the Cherokee tribe, can not escape from Sequoyah. He is a native Cherokee tribe who are educated and revive their interest Syllabary in 1821. Syllabary is a kind of script. If we now know the alphabet A through Z, then the Cherokee tribe has its own alphabet.
What makes it remarkable is the script that was revived by Sequoyah is very similar to Arabic script. In fact, some Cherokee people writing the 7th century which was found engraved on rocks in Nevada are very similar to the word "Muhammad" in Arabic.

The names of Indian tribes and tribal chief from the Arabic language is not only found in the Cherokee tribe (Shar-kee), but also the Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin Cree, Makkah, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Mahigan, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu, and Zuni. In fact, some Indian chiefs also wore a distinctive head tutp Muslims. They are Chief Chippewa, Creek, Iowa, Kansas, Miami, Potawatomi, Sauk, Fox, Seminole, Shawnee, Sioux, Winnebago, and Yuchi. This is shown in the photographs in 1835 and 1870.

In general, Indian tribes in America also believe the Lord of the universe. God is not palpable by the five senses. They also believe, the main task of human beings created by God is to adore and worship Him. As the narrative of a Chieftains Ohiyesa: "In the life of the Indians, there was only Inevitable duty-the duty of prayer, the daily recognition of the Unseen and the Eternal". Is not the Qur'an also reported that the purpose of creation of man and jinn to worship solely on God (*)

How can Head Cheeroke Indian tribes are Muslim?

Long history,

The spirit of the people of Islam and China at that time to see more of the planet (certainly at that time the name of the planet have not heard) his residence in addition to expanding the influence, seek new trade routes and of course expand the message of Islam encourage some brave of them to traverse the area still considered to be dark in the maps they were then.

Some famous names remain so to this day almost everyone had heard him call it Tjeng Ho and Ibn Batutta, but a few more barely audible and recorded only in academic books.

Geographers and intellectuals from among the Muslims who recorded the journey to the Americas was Abul-Hassan Ali Ibn Al Hussain Al Masudi (died 957), Al-Idrisi (died 1166), Chihab Addin Abul Abbas Ahmad ibn Fadl al Umari (1300 - 1384) and Ibn Battuta (died 1369).

According to the historian and geographer al-Masudi Muslims (871-957), Ibn Saeed Ibn Aswad Khashkhash a Muslim navigator of Cordoba in Andalusia, had reached the Americas in the year 889 AD. In his book, 'Muruj Adh-dhahab Maadin wa al-Jawhar' (The Meadows of Gold and quarries of jewels), Al Masudi reported that during the reigns of the Spanish Caliph Abdullah Ibn Mohammed (888-912), Ibn Saeed Ibn Aswad Khashkhash sailed from Delba (Palos) in 889, crossed the Atlantic, reaching into uncharted territory which he called Ard Majhoola, and then returned with an amazing variety of treasures.

After that many cruises are done visiting the mainland across the Atlantic, a dark and foggy. Al Masudi also wrote the book 'Akhbar Az-Zaman' which includes historical material from wandering traders to Africa and Asia.

Dr. Mroueh Youssef also writes that during the reign of the caliph Abd al-Rahman III (929-961 years) of the Umayyad dynasty, recorded the existence of Muslims from Africa who also sailed from the port Delba (Palos) in Spain to the west toward the open sea, dark and foggy , Atlantic Ocean. They had returned with a value goods it received from a foreign land.

He also wrote notes historian Abu Bakr Ibn Umar Al-Gutiyya that during the reign of Caliph of Spain, Hisham II (976-1009) a navigator Ibn Farrukh of Granada called Kadesh was recorded leaving the port in February of 999 across the Atlantic Ocean and landed in Gando (Canary Islands).

Visit to King Ibn Farrukh Guanariga and then proceed to the west to see two islands and named Capraria and Pluitana. Ibn Farrukh returned to Spain in May 999.

Sailing across the Atlantic Ocean from Morocco noted also by Shaikh Zayn-sea explorers Eddin Ali bin Fadhel Al-Mazandarani. His ship was innocent of Tarfay in Morocco at the time of Sultan Abu-Yacoub Sidi Youssef (1286 - 1307) The sixth king in the dynasty Marinid. His ship landed on Green Island in the Caribbean Sea in the year 1291. According to Drs. Morueh, travel records to be referenced by many Islamic scholars.

Sultans of the empire of Mali in western Africa capital in Timbuktu, was also traveling alone to the American continent. Chihab historian Abul-Abbas Ahmad Addin ibn Fadl al Umari (1300 - 1384) detailed exploration of the geography of this carefully. Timbuktu is now forgotten, was once a center of civilization, libraries and scientific progress in Africa. Land and sea travel expedition done a lot of people into or originated from Timbuktu Timbuktu.

Sultan recorded wandered up to the new continent at the time was Sultan Abu Bakari I (1285 - 1312), brother of the Sultan Mansa Kankan Musa (1312 - 1337), who has made two expeditions across the Atlantic to the Americas and even down the river Mississippi.

Sultan Abu Bakari I do exploration in Central America and north along the Mississippi River with between the years 1309-1312. The explorer is in Arabic. Two centuries later, the discovery of America enshrined in the color map Piri Re'isi created in 1513, and presented to the king of the Ottoman Sultan Selim I in 1517. This map shows the western hemisphere, South America and even Antarctica, with a depiction of coastal Brazil are quite accurate.

Sequoyah, also known as George GIST Other evidence is that Columbus himself knew that the people Carib (Caribbean) are followers of the Prophet Muhammad. He ideology that Muslims have been there, especially those from the West Coast of Africa. They inhabit the Caribbean, North and South America. But unlike Columbus who wanted to dominate and enslave the American people. The Muslims came to trade and even some married native people.

Columbus further admitted on October 21, 1492 in a voyage between Gibara Coast and Cuba saw a mosque (standing on a hill with a beautifully written by other sources). Until now, the remains of the ruins of mosques have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.

And did you know? 2 person boat captain who led by Columbus captain Pinta and Nina are the Muslim people of the two brothers Martin Alonso Pinzon and Vicente Pinzon Yanex are still a family from Morocco Abuzayan Sultan Muhammad III (1362). [THACHER, John Boyd: Christopher Columbus, New York 1950]

And why only Columbus who until recently known as the inventor of the American continent? Since the time of the expulsion of Jews from Spain of 300,000 Jews by King Ferdinand of Christians, Jews and raising money for the voyage of Columbus and news 'discovery of America' was first posted by Christopher Columbus to his friends of the Jews in Spain.

Columbus's voyage seems hungry for publicity and is required to create a legend in accordance with the 'sponsored links' Jews of the funders. The rest of us know that the mass media and publications controlled by the Jews who even hated by people like Henry Ford's king of American car.

Thus there appears to be dishonesty in writing historical facts about the discovery of America. Misappropriation of history by the Jews that occurred since the first time they were together the Europeans set foot into the Americas.

And did you know? admiral Zheng He in fact or in Indonesia is better known as Admiral Cheng Ho is the inventor of the first American continent, about 70 years before Columbus.

About 70 years before Columbus stick its flag on the U.S. mainland, Admiral Zheng He had first come there. Participants in a seminar organized by the Royal Geographical Society in London some time ago made flabbergasted. Is an expert on submarines and historian named Gavin Menzies in his presentation and then received great attention.

Perform confidently, Menzies explained his theory about the famous voyages of sailors mahsyur from China, Admiral Zheng He (we know him Ceng Ho-ed). Together with the evidence found from the historical record, he then concluded that the sailors and master navigator of the Ming dynasty was the initial discoverer of the Americas, and instead of Columbus.

Even thought, Zheng He 'beat' Columbus with a span of about 70 years. Menzies stated what would make the furor over this world because people know that Columbus was the discoverer of the Americas at about the 15th century. Menzies' statement was corroborated by a number of historical evidence.

Is a map made in the days before Columbus started his expedition complete with images of America as well as an astronomical map of Zheng He's dosodorkannya as the evidence. Menzies became so convinced after examining the accuracy of historic objects.

Cherokee syllabary "is what should Laksana awarded the title as the first discoverer of the Americas," he said. Menzies made a study for over 14 years. This includes the study of ancient maps, artifacts and evidence of the technological development of modern astronomy through a software program such as Starry Night.

Of the key evidence that could change the flow of history, Menzies says that most of the navigation maps and written sources on the ancient Chinese Admiral Zheng He's voyages. Exploration to reach the American continent took the time between the years 1421 and 1423. Previous fleet of Zheng He sailed along the south path through Africa and to South America.

Description astronomical voyage of Zheng He roughly call, late at night when the stars look south around 18 March 1421, the location at the southern tip of South America. It is then reconstructed using Starry Night software by comparing a map of Zheng He's voyages.

"I am programmed to time in Starry Night in 1421 as well as parts of the world are estimated to have navigable expedition," said Menzies who is also the navigation expert and former submarine commander British navy. From here, he finally found two different locations thanks to the record of this voyage astronomy (star) Zheng He's expeditions.

Then there is movement in these stars, as well as the orientation of Earth's rotation in space. Due to the rotation of the earth is less than perfect to make the axis of the earth as if carved out a circle in the sky every 26 thousand years. This phenomenon, called precision, then each point of the polar targeting different stars during run time. Menzies uses software to reconstruct the position of the stars like in the year 1421.

"We already have a star map of the ancient Chinese calendar, but still need the map," said Menzies. As I was puzzling over this problem, suddenly discovered the solution. "With incredible luck, one of the goals they've been through, ie, between Sumatra and Dondra Head, Sri Lanka, heading west."

Part of the voyage was apparently very close to the equator in the Indian Ocean. As for the Polaris, the north star, and the southern star Canopus, which is close to the southern polar latitudes, on the map. "From there, we succeeded in determining the direction and location of Polaris. So then we can ensure the future of the map was the year of 1421, plus and minus 30 years. "

Sequoyah Upper findings, Phillip Sadler, navigation experts from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the estimates by using old maps based on star positions is very possible. He also agreed that the estimated time of 30 years, as in the view of Menzies, also makes sense.
During this time, the world community knows gait explorer Zheng He as accomplished. He was born in Kunyang, a city located in southwest Yunnan Province, in the year 1371. His family named Ma, were part of a minority Semur. They came from Central Asia and embraced Islam.

Zheng He's father and grandfather had been known to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Mecca. While Zheng He himself grew up with a lot of trips to a number of areas. He is a devout Muslim.

Yunnan is one of the last defense of the Mongols, which existed long before the Ming Dynasty. At the troop master Sun Yunan year 1382, Zheng He also captured and brought to Nanjing. When he was 11 years old.

Zheng He was used as a waitress crown prince who later became emperor named Yong Le. Now this emperor who gave the name of Zheng He until he finally became one of the most famous sea captains in the world.
