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Sex Quickie tactics Ensure Enjoyment

Posted by Unknown Dec 18, 2011 0 comments

ALTHOUGH spontaneous activity and unexpected, "quickie sex" can still bring tremendous enjoyment. What kind of steps?

Sex in the limited time it actually bring pleasure not less cool with sex-planned agenda. Precisely unwillingness time owned make spontaneous sex make great pleasure to reach the culprit. Here are the tricks that can be tried if you are interested as disclosed Times of India.

Do not be too hard
Too hard when having sex only a negative effect when the agenda of sex takes place. So, do not ever force it and try too hard and cause disappointment.

Did not think anything of

To reach satisfaction, comfort and confidence of both parties needs to be invested. When the agenda of sex going on, do not let your mind wander freely about all the things that make themselves trapped and ultimately insecure. Rather than creating a negative aura to bring up fears or worries. Instead, come up with positive thoughts and relax enjoying a hot session with her to be an attractive alternative to do.

Start with simple movements

Great sex does not need to be done in various ways that complicate the scene yourself. With a simple movement and carried out by means of an appropriate and convenient time, the pleasures of love was going unattainable. Good sex is you need to continue to innovate in moving your hand, play your fingertips at the sensitive points and quickly turned passionate couples.

Five Sex Position Guarantee Maximum Enjoyment

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POSITION sex a major factor in creating pleasure in lovemaking. Comfortable position and fit for both partners will create maximum enjoyment.

Getting rid of bed boredom is actually not difficult. One of the things that can be done, namely renew sex positions that you do. If you want to experience the incomparable pleasure, the following five positions can be applied when you make love with a partner. The Stir disclose it.

Modification of "doggie style"

Try lying flat on the bed and lift your butt slightly to allow Mr P entry, and lets the clitoris stimulated to perfection.

Modification of the missionary position

Using the missionary position many times maybe a little boring. To drive out boredom, try put a pillow under your buttocks when you lie on your back and pull your shoulders up a little so you can fold the body. This position allows your G-spot stimulation can mate more quickly.

Modification of both

This time to change location by leaving the bedroom and turned to the kitchen, dining room or living room. After that, lie down and let your buttocks on the edge of the table so your feet can be coiled on the waist or chest, while your partner holds your hips. With this position was rapidly increasing sexual sensation.

Line of sight

Sit in a position facing each other thereby increasing the intimacy because both eyes can face each other with each other when you make love. In addition to intimate, this position also allows you to control how deep penetration you want. Move the position back and forth instead of up and down which can enhance clitoral stimulation.


This is very good way to increase intimacy and close feelings with a partner. In that position, your partner can take a position on your back while moving back and forth during penetration. This position can effectively stimulate the G-spot because of the position of the pair can take advantage of hands to help stimulate your clitoris and create a sensational orgasm.(okezone)

Hotelicopter = Hotel + Helicopter

Posted by Unknown Sep 2, 2011 0 comments


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the effects of jet


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Posted by Unknown Sep 1, 2011 0 comments

Planet Made Of Gems!

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The new planet is much more solid than ever found during this and consists almost entirely of carbon. Because the density is very high, scientists calculated that the carbon would have had kristalisation, so most of the planet should have a gem.

"The history of evolution and the incredible density of the planet indicates that it consists of carbon, a neutron star orbiting the giant gem every two hours in the trajectory of a very small," said Matthew Bailes of Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne.

Located 4000 light years from Earth, or about 1 / 8 distance from Earth to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, the planet probably is the remnant debris from a massive star that lost its outer layers being pulled by a pulsar star in its orbit.

Star pulsar is a small star, formed from the neutron star that has died, and its size is only about 20 kilometers but it spins very quickly to hundreds of times per second. Very rapid rotation that produces waves of radiation that was brought out.

Pulsar is a stellar example of J1719-1438, where the radiation is flung always sweep the Earth's surface and have been monitored with telescopes in Australia, England and Hawaii. Astronomers detected the waves emitted by this star due to the gravitational pull of planets orbiting the star.

This lead the researchers to conclude that planets orbiting a pulsar star within just 2 hours and 10 minutes, has a size slightly larger than Jupiter but has a density of up to 20 times.

But unlike Jupiter which is a gaseous planet, the high density makes elements such as hydrogen and helium are very few on the planet. Hydrogen and helium are the main elements of planet-forming gas.

In addition to carbon, this new planet also appears to contain little oxygen at the surface, and thinned at the center that contains carbon.

What kind of a way this gem planet seen up close, remains a mystery.

"What does that planet, I still can not speculate," said Ben Stapper from the University of Manchester. "But I'm sure we did not find a picture of something shiny."

10 Most Difficult Discovered Animal Species

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These creatures are hidden in places like deep sea or cave is very deep. The following animals may not be the most beautiful, but they are the most difficult types of animals found on earth.

10. Solenodon

Solendon are small mammals that originated from Cuba and Hispanola. These creatures are very similar to mice, it has a long snout and tail scaly. However, Solenodon have a flexible snout as the opposite of the shrew.

Another characteristic of these animals is that animals are extremely poisonous. Solenodon are the only mammals that can inject their prey with venom venom. So it is best to back off when you see these creatures, because they will fall and then biting on your hat.

9. Kakapo

Kakapo are the only parrots that can not fly on the planet. While their cousins ​​traveling by air, these species choose to walk or ride from one place to another place.

This bird can be found in New Zealand and is often referred to as a ghost parrot. This creature was nicknamed the form of discs fur around the eyes. Parrot is well established as the biggest parrots, weighing up to 8 kg.

8. Olm

Olm are amphibians that come from Europe, mainly to be found in Italy. This creature has a long white body, with four small legs. At first glance looks very similar to a small snake.

These lizards spend their lives in underground caves. These creatures have eyes that do not develop and was completely blind. Although Olm can not see does not mean helpless. Olm compensate for the lack of vision with an extraordinary hearing and sense of smell.

7. Bumblebee bat

Bumblebee bats can be found in limestone caves, Southeast Thailand and Burma. Bumblebee adult length is only an inch from head to tail. This bat has grown with the other features that set it apart, ie pig snout that resembles a snout.

6. Ichthyophis Kohtaoensis

Ichthyophis Kohtaoensis is a rare amphibian native Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. This creature has a long body like a snake with a pointed tail.

This reptile has a dark gray body with a yellow belly. One of the unique features that make this reptile is the fact that he has two muscles that control jaw.

5. Frilled shark

Frilled shark is a rarity in the animal world. Until the 19th century researchers think the animals have died with the dinosaurs. However, this proved to be true, as some fishermen had caught and also some of the discovery of a dead creature.

This shark looks like an eel, it has the elongated body. Frilled shark has a triangular-shaped head with gray body length. Sharks do not have a large dorsal fin, in contrast with most other shark species.

4. Monito Del Monte

Monito del Monte is a Spanish term for "little monkey". But the name is deceptive. Monito del Monte is actually a marsupial that lives in Chile and Argentina.

Mammalian species is thought to be extinct over 11 million years ago. However, modern explorers find this creature in the modern era.

These small marsupial mice with brown fur and large, pointy ears and long tail. The distinguishing feature of this animal is a great eye and he lives in trees in the rain forest. This long tail helps it to swing from branches.

3. Addax

Deer are very few types found in the Sahara desert. They look like many other antelope species, but after further inspection they are actually very different. This species has square teeth like a cow. Also, the horns in this species is very long and curved, so it has a nickname "Deer Horn Screws".

2. Dugong

Dugong is a large marine animal that closely resembles Manatee. While the kind of creatures that are in the same family called Sirenia, they differ from Manatee.

Dugong can be found in the waters of northern Australia and into the Indio-Pacific region. This mammal has a gray body with a long paddle like fins toward the head.

The tail of this animal looks like a dolphin tail. Also, this creature has a mouth that comes out next and are in a better position to turn down, so it's easy to eat the grass in the vegetative life of the seabed.

1. Saola

Saola is by far the rarest mammals on Earth. This creature is a native of Vietnam and Laos. This animal grows to about 3 meters high. At first glance looks similar to a goat.

This mammal has a small tail and long ears. However, these animals have a very different pattern with a goat. It has white spots and lines on his face.


Coriander Oil To Remove Bacteria Trigger Stomach Pain

Posted by Unknown Aug 26, 2011 0 comments

For those who have a hobby cook, coriander certainly is not foreign anymore. Spices are widely used as a spice in this dish it could be a drug, because it contains antibiotics to kill harmful bacteria cause stomach ache.

Coriander is in Latin called Coriandrum sativum is a kind of spices like pepper at first glance, but smaller in size and it was not spicy. It was distinctive but not too oppressive, so well-liked.

Besides popular as a spice in cooking, coriander is also often used as a drug, for example to overcome digestive disorders. Usually to overcome diarrhea, coriander boiled water boiled then taken regularly every day until the symptoms subside.

Usefulness of coriander for resolve diarrhea especially those triggered by bacterial infection has been demonstrated recently in a study at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. Research reports can be found in the Journal of Medical Microbiology.

In that study, the content of which is used as a remedy is oil of coriander. With a concentration of 1.6 percent, the oil is mixed with 12 types of harmful bacteria including Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

The study, led by Dr. Fernanda Domingues shows, 12 kinds of harmful bacteria growth can be inhibited with coriander oil. Even the MRSA superbug is known as an alias has been resistant to various antibiotics, can also be killed with coriander oil.

"Oil of coriander could be an alternative to be used as a natural antibiotic. We envision coriander can be made in the form of lotion, mouthwash or even a tablet and is used as an antibiotic, "said Dr. Domingues as quoted by FoxNews.

6 Easy and Quick Ways to Slim

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More and more new and interesting ways to lose weight. However, not all the way it is considered easy and can be lived all the people. Here are a few simple key in losing weight and has been medically proven.

a. Chewing longer

By chewing, the food will turn into a liquid in the mouth. A Chinese university found that those who chew your food 40 times to consume 12 percent fewer calories than those who chewed only 15 times. So, eat like gluttons will not help you lose weight. The logic is that the longer you chew, the more time it takes the brain to receive signals from the stomach to control appetite

b. Wonders of Tea
With a healthy compounds such as theaflavins and thearubigins, tea is a beverage that extraordinary to fight fat. But scientists have learned that the protein in cow's milk in tea negates the ability to fight fat. Therefore, adding milk to tea will eliminate the benefits of weight loss. Skim milk, which contains less fat and vitamins and calcium but it's pretty, is a good alternative. Meanwhile, black tea contains antioxidants to keep you alert and reduce the risk of heart attack. Nor should too much to drink tea because it will cause side effects like headaches and heartburn.

c. Monotonous menu
Try to make the boredom of culinary yourself. Research tells us that the more food choices every day, the higher the chances of becoming obese. By reducing the options, the more likely you will be less interested in eating. The study also found that when people are offered the same food, they eat less when they're used to those foods.

d. Getting enough sleep
Lack of sleep will make you fat. An obesity research center in New York found that people who sleep deprivation will eat about 300 extra calori per day than those who rested. Inevitably, people with insomnia will be easy to accumulate fat in just a few weeks. Sleep deprivation reduces the rate of metabolism as the body attempts to save energy to help the activity while awake.

This slowdown triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that respond to stress. Cortisol also increases the appetite that demands more food. In addition, lack of sleep causes the body to release more ghrelin, a hormone marker of hunger, and less leptin, a hormone that tells the body when full. When the hormone was destroyed, aka you eat more not knowing when to stop.

e. The power of protein
Not only build muscle, protein also helps you get rid of fat deposits. A study has found a protein significantly decreased the hormone ghrelin (marker hungry), so that makes you feel fuller. The study also found that people who drink milk protein for six months has cut their carbohydrate intake. However, when selecting a protein product is important to remember that the products low in calories and fat.

f. Small bowl with a fork
Not how much food you put into a bowl, but the size of the bowl is important. The smaller the container, the less food you take. Meanwhile, other research has found that those who use a fork to eat less. In the study, users will fork take a bigger bite so it will eat much smaller amounts.

5 Types of Body Slimming Tea

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Has been known how much the health benefits of this simple drink. Just one cup of tea may prevent strokes, arthritis, tooth decay, and even prevent cancer.

As well as soothe the soul, this drink also has other great benefits that help you lose weight. Research also has shown that tea has high levels of compounds to counteract the absorption of fat. However, not all teas have the efficacy that. Here are 5 types of tea that can help you get a leaner body

1. Fennel tea digestion
Fennel or star anise is the fruit of a small evergreen tree (Illicium verum) comes from China. This material is commonly used in the treatment of digestive problems such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea. Fennel tea is brewed with boiling water and allow to advance the new drink for 10 minutes.

2. Peppermint tea controls appetite
Peppermint tea is good to speed up digestion so it helps you burn more calories. Peppermint leaves can be used to make tea can be drunk either hot or cold while. To make this tea, mix one tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves and add boiling water and leave for 4-5 minutes. Strain and add honey if you want.

3. Build green tea metabolism
Research says chemical EGCG found in green tea speed up metabolism and can help us lose a few pounds of body weight by burning 70 calories a day! Green tea also increases the levels of antioxidants. Believed levels of antioxidants in green tea catechins to increase metabolism and help burn fat.

4. Rosella tea prevents constipation
This is one of the traditional tea made by mixing fresh roses and buds of tea and have a major therapeutic effect on the human body. In addition to cleaning toxins and beautify the skin, rosella tea contains vitamins A, B3, C, D, and E and fight infection. This tea also prevents constipation and helps you lose weight.

5. Oolong tea to ward off obesity

The study revealed that the oolong, semi-fermented tea may have a stronger effect than green tea. It promotes fat-burning tea that helps reduce cholesterol and the concentration of fat in the body. About two cups of tea per day is recommended.

10 most popular Korean girl group 2011

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Korea has the highest number of girl group compared to other countries. Well among all of them, girl group which is the most popular in the world? Here are 10 group lists the most popular Korean girl based on polls on the internet.

 10. After School

Debuted its first appearance occurred on December 19, 2008. Management acknowledges that the concept of this group is taken from the Pussycat Dolls. Until now, After School has released four singles to the fruit market. In the last year, won the Best Newcomer Award from the Seoul Music Award

 9. Miss A

Initially the group had only three personnel when it is not officially call them fans JYP Sisters. Browned Eyed Girls personnel have several times changed. Among Hye Lim who is now a member of the Wonder Girls. Get quite a lot of awards. The latter as the Best Dance & Electronic Song in 8th Korean Music Award.

 8. Browned Eyed Girls

Founded in 2006, with the debut of his first hit "Come Closer". Although people recognize their abilities, but their first album reportedly not very successful. Similarly with the second album, which release time adjacent to the Wonder Girls album out.

 7. T-ara

Group is currently led by Boram critized was negative due to the action and appearance similar lypsinc smp. And when it's an average age of personnel in the figure 19 years. Putting aside the negative critical to them, this group won Best New Artist Award at 19th Seoul Music Awards in 2010.

 6. f (x)

This group consists of five personnel of Victoria, Amber, Luna, Sulli and Krystal. Debut single "La Cha Ta 'gets pretty warm welcome. Since the year 2009 until now 2011, they routinely put an album out every year. The last album, "Pinnochio" has just been released in digital format. In addition to the field of music, they also some times get the Award for a fashionable selection of clothing styles.

 5. Kara

This group won enough awards from Korea to Japan. Founded in March 2007, Kara is one of the successful group had strong support from his fans and confirms their position as Korea's top celebrities as well as Japan. Finally, they were awarded honorable, Content Industry Award from the Korean culture and tourism ministry.

 4. Wonder Girls

Their single "Nobody" launched the group's name to the top Korean celebrities. Even the singles are able to penetrate the American market! MTV also produced series about them titled MTV Wonder Girls that lasted until the fourth season. Group is arguably the same name satiety Award. In 2008 no less than 10 laureates dilibas with them.

 3. 4minute

This group recently founded in 2009. However, sticking out his name soon after the release of their mini album titled "Hot Muzik". In August 2007 KBS been banned dialed one of the songs belong to them, Will not Give because it is considered too vulgar indulgence in sek sual terms. However Cube entertainment refute by saying that the song was nothing more than a sincere expression of feelings of a woman to the man.

 2. 2ne1

2NE1 ... ahem .. heey, how to read ...? 2ne1 can be read "to anyone" and can also "twenty one" With hip-hop flow, this group includes the top ranks of Korean music industry. They are famous for unique and daring style of dress different.

 1. SNSD

Already on guessing right? If this one, who does not know? Video clip them, "Gee" to date have reach by nearly 40 million hits on youtube! Waauw! SNSD which is short for words So Nyuh Shi Dae, or often called Girls Generation is indeed phenomenal, singing and dancing ability they are able to fertilize the absence of the Sone (as fans SNSD) worldwide.

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Some Tips on choosing appropriate sports body-shape

Posted by Unknown Aug 25, 2011 0 comments

In addition to choosing age-appropriate sports, sports suit your body shape can also be one consideration in choosing what type of exercise is best. Because everyone, both men and women have the body type and shape are different. This is because body shape is influenced by genetic factors inherited from both parents. Want to try Choosing Exercise Body Shape Under .. ? Let us check ..

But why should Choosing Sports Match Body Shape? Because the shape of the body also indicate the number and distribution pattern of fat cells are different. Therefore there are some people who do not get good results despite exercising regularly. That was, perhaps because the sport did not fit the body shape you have.

For that body shape determines the type of exercise should be chosen to reduce the amount of fat from his body. Here are sports that fit her shape are:

Apple body shape
This guy has a middle part (chest and abdomen) with a larger form of arms and legs are smaller, and the accumulation of fat in the waist. This form is predominantly found in males, but women are more vulnerable to developing it in mid-life.

Sports are selected: you should do aerobic exercise for slim body shape and lose body fat, running, jogging, climbing and high-intensity cardio workout that can build some muscle in the leg. While the exercises can be done to the lower body is pilates and squat.

Pear shape body

This guy has the upper body is smaller with the hips and thighs are huge. This type stores more fat in the hips, buttocks and thighs.

Sports: should emphasize these areas due to more number of fat cells, which is 75 percent of the time sports to the bottom and 25 percent for upper body. For the lower body can be with cycling, bend knees and squat exercises, while to build up the chest and back can with push ups and shoulder press.

Hourglass body shape (like a figure 8)
This body shape tend to be larger in the upper and lower body, but more slender in the waist. Generally form the shoulders and hips almost as wide with small waist and flat stomach. This form is often considered a desirable body shape of women.

Sports: is done should be routine and focused on all areas, such as cardio exercise, stationary bike, jogging, jumping rope, swimming and shoulder press.

V body shape
This body shape like the letter V or also known as the triangle (cone), the shape is wide at the top and smaller at the bottom. Usually the size of the shoulder 2-3 inches wider than the hips. This form is regarded as the ideal type of men because it consists of broad shoulders, tiny waist and powerful legs.

Sports: can be done should also include the lower part of the body such as squatting, bending the knee and gives emphasis on the feet. And also do cardio workouts to burn fat and shrink the waist.


6 Secrets using tooth paste

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There are so many toothpaste products on the market that promise you a fresh tooth, whiter, and prevent holes. This causes you as a consumer to be confused to choose the best. The content of what the heck, do we need? How much toothpaste should we use? Which is better between a gel or paste? Here is a guide.

1. Fluoride, the most important ingredient

Currently, there are so many toothpaste products are enriched with content according to the needs of our teeth, such as tartar control, whitening, or a breath freshener. However, in toothpaste is most important is its fluoride. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, tooth brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day can reduce tooth decay by up to 40 percent.

2. Bleach will not immediately make the teeth so white

There are dozens of products that promise a brilliant smile, but what is the content of this toothpaste with whitener? "Toothpaste with bleach containing 'pengampelas' light to help remove surface stains on teeth," says Clifford Whall, PhD, Director of the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance Program.

The shape of particles used in modified bleach products to clean the stain with a better so you can see the difference in your teeth. Nevertheless, these products do not contain bleach so it is not possible to make your teeth straight and white as if you are undergoing treatment in a professional teeth whitening.

3. Fewer, better

In commercials toothpaste maybe you will see the model holding a toothbrush filled with toothpaste. However, squeeze the toothpaste this much (say, 2 cm long) will not make your teeth cleaner than if you only pour 1 cm of toothpaste, according to E Jane Crocker, RHD, President of the Massachusetts Dental Hygienists' Association.

"All you need is a pea-sized toothpaste," he said. Toothpaste as it will not only make tooth brushing more effective (with clean and remove plaque, stains, and food scraps), you will also save your toothpaste.

4. The way you brush your teeth is much more important

You can just buy the best toothpaste, toothbrushes and most perfect in the store, but if you do not brush your teeth properly, in vain. "To brush your teeth properly, you must hold the brush at a 45 degrees so you create a toothbrush bristles in between the teeth and gums," says Dr. Whall. "Move your toothbrush in a small circle in the area, then continue on the other teeth. This process will spend about one or two minutes to complete."

5. The content of toothpaste can be staggering

You may not recognize the names listed on the toothpaste tube. Materials such as seaweed or detergent can be found in many of fluoride toothpaste. According to the ADA, thickening toothpaste can be made from seaweed colloids, colloidal minerals, and natural gums. As for the foam, most products rely on detergents such as sodium lauryl sulfate, which can also be found in shampoo or liquid soap. This material is considered 100 percent safe and effective by the ADA.

6. Paste or gel?

Some say, the shape of pasta is better than a gel, or vice versa. However, according to health experts, both types of material are fixed to clean teeth properly, really. "Besides the taste, texture, or how the toothpaste's effect on the feelings of the wearer, there is no major difference from other forms of material," said Crocker. "I think really, it depends on the choice of each, which is usually known through trial and error. I personally encourage my patients to use any products that can make them brush their teeth." In other words, up to select what products, what matters diligently you brush your teeth!


About the Character of Color Favorites

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Almost everyone would have one of the most popular colors of the many colors available or commonly referred to as a favorite color. Well, from there we can see the character you ...

If you love blue, then you include the type morose, always pleasant and always act passively in all cases. Crave tranquility and peace. You always come to grief in the association. Likewise, in love because of you smart in hiding their feelings

Your favorite color green, then you are very romantic type, like beauty, pleased with cool environment. You are a person who is always in principle. In case you crave sex-life friends would like it to candidates of tolerance and trustworthy

Your favorite color of yellow indicates that you have an optimistic nature. You type cheerful and happy to get along, do not have the appearance of the weak. The nature of mutual help is always there inside of you, because help is an absolute obligation to you. You people never underestimate anyone, even if someone is dumb or stupid

if  Purple  color (Violet) to be your favorite color then you are the type who really extraordinary. In the face of the future you never doubt, what is the best you are done. You know how true the pace. In love, just mentally strong they can reach out and be your lover

If you like white, then you are born into this world properly, many people admire you for graceful nature, character and moral idealist you very, very high. Never arrogant, happy to help anyone who needs your help

Are you the type who is very agile in certain cases only. if you were circles who do not like, then you will become depressed.

Are you the type who is very competent and easy to shelters poor friends. Although often mingle and joke but you can abstain. Many people say love, but you always think and think again. Are you the type that are difficult to love
