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6 Easy and Quick Ways to Slim

Posted by Unknown Aug 26, 2011 0 comments
More and more new and interesting ways to lose weight. However, not all the way it is considered easy and can be lived all the people. Here are a few simple key in losing weight and has been medically proven.

a. Chewing longer

By chewing, the food will turn into a liquid in the mouth. A Chinese university found that those who chew your food 40 times to consume 12 percent fewer calories than those who chewed only 15 times. So, eat like gluttons will not help you lose weight. The logic is that the longer you chew, the more time it takes the brain to receive signals from the stomach to control appetite

b. Wonders of Tea
With a healthy compounds such as theaflavins and thearubigins, tea is a beverage that extraordinary to fight fat. But scientists have learned that the protein in cow's milk in tea negates the ability to fight fat. Therefore, adding milk to tea will eliminate the benefits of weight loss. Skim milk, which contains less fat and vitamins and calcium but it's pretty, is a good alternative. Meanwhile, black tea contains antioxidants to keep you alert and reduce the risk of heart attack. Nor should too much to drink tea because it will cause side effects like headaches and heartburn.

c. Monotonous menu
Try to make the boredom of culinary yourself. Research tells us that the more food choices every day, the higher the chances of becoming obese. By reducing the options, the more likely you will be less interested in eating. The study also found that when people are offered the same food, they eat less when they're used to those foods.

d. Getting enough sleep
Lack of sleep will make you fat. An obesity research center in New York found that people who sleep deprivation will eat about 300 extra calori per day than those who rested. Inevitably, people with insomnia will be easy to accumulate fat in just a few weeks. Sleep deprivation reduces the rate of metabolism as the body attempts to save energy to help the activity while awake.

This slowdown triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that respond to stress. Cortisol also increases the appetite that demands more food. In addition, lack of sleep causes the body to release more ghrelin, a hormone marker of hunger, and less leptin, a hormone that tells the body when full. When the hormone was destroyed, aka you eat more not knowing when to stop.

e. The power of protein
Not only build muscle, protein also helps you get rid of fat deposits. A study has found a protein significantly decreased the hormone ghrelin (marker hungry), so that makes you feel fuller. The study also found that people who drink milk protein for six months has cut their carbohydrate intake. However, when selecting a protein product is important to remember that the products low in calories and fat.

f. Small bowl with a fork
Not how much food you put into a bowl, but the size of the bowl is important. The smaller the container, the less food you take. Meanwhile, other research has found that those who use a fork to eat less. In the study, users will fork take a bigger bite so it will eat much smaller amounts.