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7 Natural Ways to Exterminate Dandruff

Posted by Unknown Aug 19, 2011 0 comments

Dandruff is a serious medical condition. White flakes scattered on the scalp of a thing which is annoying. Imagine if you're in important meetings, you must be scratching their heads because of dandruff.

How can you enjoy a dinner date and if in your back sprinkled with flakes of dandruff? Or if you're having lunch with the boss and then when you bent visible white powder on your hair. It certainly did not want to befall you.

If you were troubled with dandruff, there are actually how to overcome them naturally. Dandruff can disappear from your life with some of the following ways:

1. Rub the lemon into the scalp, rub it systematically. And make sure nothing is left there that has not been rubbed. Do a half an hour before shampooing. It is more efficiently done during free time at home.

2. Massage your hair with pure coconut oil (virgin coconut oil) and leave it for a while. Treatment with the head of the oil has anti-fungal properties. To improve the efficiency of this treatment, cover your head with a hot towel. The longer closed, then the treatment would be more effective.

3. Use fenugreek (methi) to clear dandruff. Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water and let stand overnight. Fenugreek seeds will be more gentle on the next day. The next day, crush and rub on your hair and let sit for 20 minutes and then rinsed

4. Treatment with warm towels you can try. Soak a towel with warm water and then wring it out. Use the towel to cover your hair and leave for ten minutes.

5. Use a solution of water and vinegar. Take one tablespoon of vinegar and six tablespoons of mix with water. Keep this mixture for one night. And when the morning when you want to wash, mix the vinegar mixed with a good herbal shampoo.

6. Drinking mineral water is sufficient. By drinking water that contains minerals, will help you cope with dandruff.

7. Massaging the head while shampooing. Massage your hair gently and thoroughly from the neck to the head. This could help Increasing blood circulation and removes dandruff flakes that have accumulated on your scalp.

If you have a serious dandruff problem, you need patience in doing this way. There's no way the problem of dandruff disappear overnight. However, efforts to combine shampoo with natural ingredients will further help eliminate dandruff you in the long run. However, if this problem persists and does not go away, you do not have to think long to consult a doctor.


Oak Island Treasure Mystery!

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
An old treasure has been buried in Oak Island. Since the end of the 17th century to the present, various efforts have been made to explore the treasures of Oak Island, but nil. Ancient technology once again proves how great what is considered ancient technology that can outwit we call 'modern'.

Early discovery of the Oak Island Treasure
On a summer day in 1795, a teenager named Daniel McGinnisNova Scotia. He then was intrigued by a soil surface that looks weird. The ground surface is round and lower than the surrounding soil. Above ground level is low there is a like a cut tree branches to form a pulley. Because've heard of stories of pirates in the area, McGinnis decided to go home and call his friends to find out about the strange land plains. walking along an area on the island of Oak,

A few days later with two friends McGinnis, John Smith (19 years) and Anthony Vaughan (16 years), began digging the hole. At a depth of 2 meters from the surface, they found a large stone tiles that covered the hole. Excavation then continued to do, and what they find next, reinforce their expectations if something precious had been hidden in the hole. At a depth of 10 meters, they found a layer of oak logs and shaped to cover the hole.

The same layers they found at a depth of 20 meters and a depth of 30 meters, a layer of wood shaped into a round that seemed to cover the hole. Because it was already no longer possible to continue the excavation to the size of 3 teenagers, they finally decided to go back home and think about planning to continue the excavations. They then left the hole for 8 years. Time they use to find someone or anyone who can help them both in the affairs of the funds and equipment.

Advanced Excavation

Not much they can find and try until about 1802. That year, Simon Lynds visited the hole and was impressed with the story of three companions. Simeon then formed a company specifically to handle the treasure digging holes. The company was named Onslow Company.

With the help of a company, a depth of 30 meters that were previously excavated three teens with difficulty can be exhumed by a team of diggers with ease. Excavation then continued to a depth of 90 meters. They found each other protective layer depth of 10 meters.

At a depth of 40 meters, a layer of charcoal to cover the hole, the 50-meter layer of a layer of putty, and at a depth of 60 feet a layer of coconut fiber that became the cover. At a depth of 90 meters (another version of history told at a depth of 80 meters), a team of diggers found a clue. A flat stone with a length of 3 meters and 1 meter wide that contain strange characters and odd numbers have become an another puzzle as well as an affirmation of the existence of something of value in the bottom of the hole.

Excavation then continued. At a depth of 93 meters, the ground began to enter the pit was a layer of soft mud. Excavation was then stopped for the day when they reach the layer of soft mud.

The next day when a team of diggers returned, they were surprised to find they have dug a hole filled with water as high as 33 meters. The team finally decided to pump the water out, but it was useless. Excavation and then resumed in the next year when it was decided to dig a hole that will be connected parallel to the first pit. But their efforts became futile when holes are made in parallel began to reach a depth of 100 meters, the hole gets filled again with water.

The project was eventually stopped and became homeless for 45 years. During this period, nothing else is doing the digging for treasure.

In 1849 then, The Truro Company is following the re trying to uncover the mystery of Oak Island mystery hole was. Team of diggers just try to dig to a depth of 86 meters, but due to stagnant water begins to return, the team conducted a speculation to make a core-drill holes before re-stagnant water. This drilling yielded an unexpected result.

The first sign of a Treasure

Drill at a depth of 98 meters found a layer of pine. Further drill continues to penetrate the deeper layers. The team from The Truro Company diggers then find 4-inch layer of oak. Next they found a 22-inch-thick metal layer, the next 4 inch layer of oak again and another layer of fir. In conclusion, they may have drilled a box or treasure chest made of oak. When they lift their drill, the team found diggers oak wood chips and strands that look like leather palm.

One of the drill also found a few strands of gold chain. As drilling continues, suddenly one of the crew found that the water in the hole turned out to be salt water and was rising to the top following the tide. This indicates if the designer of this hole has managed to make intelligent pitfalls that are designed to overwhelm the hole if one starts to find the treasure.

Tim diggers back in 1850 with plans to dig a hole and parallel hole trying to reach these treasures through the hole parallel to be made. But nil. As before, when the hole began to touch the depth of 90 meters, the water flooded the entire hole directly parallel. Team digger and then pumping out the water that flooded the hole parallel. In the process of pumping out water that seemed impossible, a team member if the diggers found at low tide, there are other sources of incoming water, and salt water that indicates if the water comes from the coast. The team also examined the coastal barrier that became one of their digging, and what they find on the beach next was beyond common sense. The beach is man-made beach.

Based on observations of the team excavating, an artificial beach has been designed in such a way to connect with the pit which is about 500 meters from the beach. Adri water channels according to estimates made beach is connected with the treasure pit at a depth of 110 meters. For more details look at Smith's Cove Tunnel Flood.

The next solution team from Truro Company diggers want to stymie the flow of water from the existing beach at the water line. They built a dam which will divert the flow of water from Smith's Cove Tunnel Flood, so there will be no water to be flooded pit when the water is pumped out. Unfortunately, a storm destroyed the dam which was built before the dam was finished. Truro Company finally succumbed to years It is interesting to note from the dam by the excavation team from Truro Company is, the team discovered the remains of the older dams when they build their dams.

Oak Island treasure hunt later re-done in 1861 by Oak Island Association. The first thing a team of diggers from the OIA is to clean up the treasure hole to a depth of 88 meters. They then dig a new hole to the east. The hole is dug to the east is intended to try to find the treasure hole channel connected to the sea. After reaching a depth of 120 meters, a team of diggers finally canceled their plans because it did not find any one channel connected to the hole treasure. The new hole is then abandoned. The second hole is dug to find the treasures which are then dug a channel to seek this treasure to the west.

When the second hole reached a depth of 118 meters, suddenly the water began to flood the pit, the same as occurs in the main pit Oak Island treasure. When the water began to flood the hole that suddenly collapsed down pit deeper than 15 meters, no one knows for sure how deep the treasure inside crumbling down. In the excavation of the OIA is the first casualties. But yan fallen victim not because buried in the pits, but because of the steam pump used suddenly exploded and injured the team is around to take its toll. Excavation is also ultimately failed to solve the puzzle channels Oak Island treasure pit. The project by the OIA was finally discontinued in 1864 due to run out of funds.

Advanced search continues in 1866, 1893, 1909, 1931 and 1936. Search started using modern methods is then not also solved the mystery of the hole channels Oak Island treasure. Modern methods are used among others by detonating development flood channels, making the dam that will keep the water will not meet the hole dug, and dug excavation using a crane (not manually anymore). The only of the modern ways that produce results that success closing the flow of water from Smith's Cove Tunnel, but this success only makes the other man-made waterways more flowing from the south.

In 1936, Hadden Gillbert who collaborated with Fred Blair began a new investigation of Oak Island. This time their focus not only on the main pit, but to the whole island. They started looking for things that might be associated with these treasures. This investigation eventually found two important things. The first is the discovery of a carved rock at a depth of 90 meters from the hole dug for treasure, while the second invention is a piece of wood that allegedly was part of a major construction because it has a form that can be connected with other parts by using a pin (probably some kind of bolt).

Until now, drilling continues. Drilling is currently commanded by Blankenship and Britons. Great discoveries came from the Briton and Blankenship, namely what is known as Borehole 10-X. 237-meter long steel tube, and submerged at a depth of 180 meters meters at the eastern edge of the sea.


Below are some theories that circulate in the community about who the real owners of these treasures.

Captain William Kidd - As a famous sailor, rumors about the treasure can not be separated from the Oak Island community conversation. Several legends about the treasure also refer to Oak Island.

The French - the theory says if the owners of these treasures is the French who bury their money in anticipation of the defeat of the war a lot happens when fighting the British during the American colonization.

The Vikings - Some public records also say if the Vikings had several times visited the United States. Although no one dares to affirm if these treasures belonged to the Vikings, but the rumors about them are also not free from the talk of society.

Bands of pirates - Oak Island also has a lot to be famous pirate haven. This fact led to the theory of a new trust if the treasure was buried somewhere on Oak Island.

Inca or Maya treasure - during the colonization of America by Europeans in the 18th century and 19th centuries, much of the wealth of the Inca and Mayan civilizations that disappeared. The theory then states if maybe some sympathy with Americans who are still buried treasure of the Inca and Mayan civilizations in a place like Oak Island.

Puzzle Writing On Stone Carving

As I mentioned above, if at a depth of 90 meters, has discovered a stone containing a strange article. Stone found at a depth of 90 meters has an article as follows:

Writing On Stone Found In Depth 90 meters

The stone has disappeared until now. Although it has significance for treasure hunters on the island of Oak, but some doubt the authenticity of the stone circles. Those who hold these stones would not hesitate to say if the stone may have been made and abandoned by previous diggers in order to make the next diggers just more confused.

Nonetheless, a professor of languages ​​at the University of Halifax in 1866, never tried to translate the script.

The key to translate the script

Thus, the results over the language to be like this


The World Photos of Nuclear Explosion

Posted by Unknown Aug 18, 2011 0 comments
The following are the most powerful nuclear explosion. The explosion occurred due to the continuous release of energy from a nuclear reaction that occurs rapidly, there are actually happening, and there is also the only test.

World's Largest Nuclear Explosion

The photos following a nuclear explosion that occurred at a place called Fangataufa. The photos were taken on July 3, 1970 by a French army. Code bombs Canopus, and has the explosive force of 914 KT.

Nuclear explosions on the operation Upshot-Knothole

Operation Upshot-Knothole, conducted at the Nevada Proving Ground between March 17 and June 4, 1953, Beru test the type of bomb that uses the theory of fission and fusion. Houses in the picture below is located 3500 feet from the center of the explosion, the camera itself is protected by 2-inch layer, it only takes 2.6 seconds from the beginning till the bomb explode explosion destroyed the house.

Nuclear explosions during the operation Crossroads

On July 1, 1946, in the Marshall Islands, a mushroom-shaped explosion, occurred in the North Pacific Ocean, and is the first explosion of two explosions in the Crossroads operation. The figure below can be seen several warships belonging to the German Navy and Japan.

Nuclear explosions on the Bravo bomb test

Bravo bomb trial was the worst disaster in American history, because of the disaster caused by radiation. The error occurred because the American one to analyze weather conditions resulting in catastrophic radiation.

Trinity nuclear bomb explosion

Trinity bomb was the first atomic bomb test conducted U.S., dated July 16, 1945, carried out at 35 miles towards the southeast of Socorro, New Mexico, which is now named the White Sands Missile Range. His brother, The Fat Man who uses a similar concept and design, is the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. The power of this bomb "only" 20 kilotons, and is the first bomb that started or the Atomic Age Atomic Age.

Badger bomb blast

 Badger: powerful bomb was 23 kilotons, was fired on April 18, 1953 at the Nevada Test Site, the bomb was part of Operation Upshot-Knothole.

Nuclear explosions at Nagasaki and Hiroshima

Atomic bomb fired into the Kingdom of Japan by U.S. President Harry S. permission Truman is the first atomic bomb attack, the first bomb Little Boy, who was fired on August 6, 1945, Monday in Hiroshima, while the second bomb "The Fat Man" were fired at Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. The two atomic bomb attacks that ended the resistance is Japan in World War II. total deaths reached more than 200,000 inhabitants.

Explosion of an atomic bomb on Nagasaki

Nagasaki atomic bomb victims

The fat man, the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

The explosion of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima

Little Boy, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

That's some atomic or nuclear bomb that exploded. One of them is the explosion of the largest in the world.


Centaurs : Man Half Horse in the Ancient Greek Mythology

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
     In Greek mythology, Centaurs (Kéntauroi) is a half-horse race, he is usually portrayed human form from head to waist, but the waist down intangible horse. Photo below, is not a result of Archaeological discoveries, Centaur skeleton in this photo, is Projects Are artificial result of 'Skulls Unlimited International' of the human skeleton frame of the original features combined with Zebra.

Centaurs itself is just an imaginary creature that first appeared in Greek mythology.

 ' Skulls Unlimited International, Inc.., Located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is a commercial supplier of osteological specimens including real and replica skulls and skeletons. Skulls Unlimited also provides a skull cleaning service, using Dermestid Beetles to strip the flesh from skulls and skeletons. Skulls Unlimited skull specimens processes approximately 25.000 per year  '

     They are descendants of Centaurus, the first centaur. Centaurus is Ixion's father was a man, ruler of Thessaly, who loved [affair] Goddess Hera, wife of Zeus. A jealous Zeus, Hera and then create a twin of the clouds and named Nephele. Once they met, Ixion who consider woman with him was [Nephele] was the goddess Hera and then having intercourse with her. Nephele then pregnant, and gave birth to half-man half-horse creature which he later named Centaurus.

     The most famous of the centaur Chiron is a friend of Heracles or Hercules [Chiron this figure, appeared in the film Percy Jackson and the Olymipans]. He is one of the gentle and wise centaur, who was killed by Zeus placed star in the sky as the constellation Centaurus. Later adapted into Sagittarius zodiac.


14 creative transparent objects

Posted by Unknown Aug 17, 2011 0 comments
Transparent nikon D80

Transparent Refrigerator

Transparent Clothes Dryer

Transparent Chair

Transparent Mirror

Transparent iPod Case

Transparent Canoe

Transparent Xbox 360 Case

Transparent PSTwo Slim Case

Transparent Iron

Transparent Toaster

Transparent Chess Set

Transparent Dice

Transparent Bathtub


TOP 10 iPhone Accessories for Photography

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Applications for the iPhone is a lot of photography and very interesting, but did you know that there are accessories that can help you maximize the activities of photography? If not, let's see my review below.

1. Owle Bubo

This is the only iPhone accessories most often used both to capture photos or video. Because, with the addition of a 37mm lens and a mini boom mic and dual grip design used, these tools can help you produce optimum image.

2. Iphone Tripod Holder

As the name suggests, these accessories are made so that your iPhone can be paired to a tripod. With simple shapes like the letter U, you can simply pair the iPhone to this device so you can capture blur-free images due to shaking your hand.

3. The Glif

With a simplified form and have a similar concept to the iPhone Tripod Holder, The Glif present as one of the other alternatives that can be used to pair your iPhone to the Tripod. Made of flexible plastic material and a small form factor that makes this device easy to carry anywhere.

4. Olloclip

With 3 in 1 concept is used, small accessories can be used to help the iPhone you do photo shoot macro, wide until the fish eye.

5. Flip-Page with the iPhone 4 Mount

In addition to functioning as a tripod, this tool can also serve as an iPhone holder. Not only can be used to take photos of course but it can also be used to watch or to use when you do facetime with your friends.

6. Quattro Factron Cases

In her case, and a touch of silver metallic leather accents on the surface will make your iPhone look like a classic camera. To help your photographic activities, provided five types of lenses that are sold separately anymore which can be fitted into this case so that it can be used to help you take photos with various effects such as fish eye, macro, wide etc..

7. Zacuto Zgrip iPhone Jr. Handgrip

in design of a handgrip that is similar to handle this gun, Jr. Zacuto Zgrip iPhone is very easy and comfortable in the hand. This tool is also available mounted to a tripod so it can be mounted on a tripod and is also available mounted on top that can be used for additional lighting.

8. USBFever's Special Effect Lens

If for you Facron Quattro Cases are too expensive, USBFever's Special Effect Lens present provide a much cheaper alternative. USBFever's Special Effect Lens consists of several such lenses, fish eye, macro, wide angle and telescopic which can be attached directly to your iPhone camera lens without using additional case like Facron Quattro.

9. Joby GorillaMobile for iPhone 4

Not only provides gorillapod for the camera alone, Joby tripod also presented their phenomenal for the iPhone 4. With the design of flexible legs make this tripod can be mounted anywhere.

10. Griffin Clarifi

As a manufacturer that offers an abundance of accessories for iPhone, Griffin also presented a case that can enhance your photography with the iPhone. In case this has been fixed to a lens that is claimed to improve your shot.


Top 10 famous urban escape

Posted by Unknown 0 comments

Most people, even dedicated urbanites, need a break now and then from concrete jungle, round-the-clock noise, and exhaust fumes. Some American cities are lucky enough to have units of the National Park System right on their doorsteps, offering recreation and natural beauty within easy reach of millions.
1.Gateway National Recreation Area
New York Harbor, New York and New Jersey

      With three units located around New York Harbor in New York and New Jersey, Gateway is just a subway or bus ride away for residents of America’s largest metropolis. Some come to swim or sun on beaches, others to bike or jog miles of trails, to fish or kayak, to visit historic sites, or to go on a wildflower walk. And these activities are just the beginning of the year-round offerings at Gateway, a getaway perfect for everything from chilling out to learning a new skill at one of dozens of ranger-led programs. Camping areas allow city folk to sample life in the wild, while buildings at Fort Tilden in Queens have been converted into an arts center. Fort Tilden is just one of six decommissioned forts or military air fields open to the public within Gateway; the Sandy Hook Proving Ground was the first U.S. Army weapons testing grounds, established in 1874. Brooklyn’s Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, the only wildlife refuge in the park system, ranks among the most popular bird-watching sites in the region, with marsh, fields, woods, and ponds. Other sites within the park offer golf and even places for flying model airplanes. If you can’t find something to do at Gateway, you’re just not looking closely enough.

2. Golden Gate National Recreation Area
San Francisco Bay Area, California

      Want to hike through one of the world’s most beautiful forests? Want to visit the legendary prison where Al Capone and “Machine Gun” Kelly were locked up? Want to go hang gliding, enjoy a quiet picnic, admire an art collection, or visit a Cold War-era missile site? All of this and a lot more is possible at Golden Gate, a collection of some three dozen separate units stretching for 70 miles on or near the Pacific Coast, both north and south of San Francisco. A short list of attractions here would include Marin Headlands, a natural area at the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge; Alcatraz Island, former home of an infamous federal prison; Crissy Field, a restored tidal marsh and renowned windsurfing center; Ocean Beach, the longest beach in the Bay Area and a mecca for serious surfers; Point Bonita Lighthouse, a still active beacon; the reconstructed Cliff House and the Sutro Baths, the latter now in ruins; and Muir Woods National Monument, a grove of magnificent coast redwood trees. Bay Area residents treasure these and other park sites, all contributing to making one of the nation’s most attractive cities even more appealing.

3. Rock Creek Park
Washington, D.C.

      Stretching for ten miles along the waterway for which it’s named, this green space in northwestern Washington, D.C., is beloved by residents of the nation’s capital. Jogging, biking, skating, golf, soccer, horseback riding, and tennis are among the more popular activities, while picnicking and bird-watching offer more contemplative pursuits. The park closes some streets to auto traffic on weekends and holidays, creating peaceful paths even more removed from the busy world of government and business just beyond its boundaries. With a nature center, a planetarium, historical exhibits, and a concert venue, Rock Creek more than fulfills its 1890 mandate to be “a public park or pleasure ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people of the United States.”
4. Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
   Los Angeles Into Ventura County, California

      The world’s largest urban national park, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area spans almost 40 miles from Los Angeles westward into Ventura County, its many separate units covering nearly 240 square miles. Within the designated area are state and local parks, ranging from historic sites to wild areas offering solitude in a region of freeways, shopping malls, and near-endless suburbs. The 65-mile-long Backbone Trail System traverses the rugged Santa Monica Mountains, its entire length open to hikers, while some segments are available for mountain biking and horseback riding. Located in the land of Hollywood and Beverly Hills, the park has inevitable movie and television connections: Many movies and TV shows were filmed at Paramount Ranch in Agoura Hills, now home to fine hiking trails; Peter Strauss Ranch, along Mulholland Highway, was donated to the park by actor Strauss, who wanted to preserve its natural beauty; Will Rogers State Historic Park, just off Sunset Boulevard, preserves the estate of the famed humorist and actor who died in 1935. One of the park’s most fascinating historical attractions is Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa in Newbury Park, where the Satwiwa Native American Indian Culture Center interprets the heritage of the Chumash and Tongva-Gabrielino people who once lived here. In the northern part of the national recreation area, Cheeseboro Canyon boasts extensive hiking trails and woodlands of the imposing valley oak, a tree species found only in California.

5. Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Cleveland and Akron, Ohio

      Connecting the Ohio cities of Cleveland and Akron, Cuyahoga Valley boasts a combination of attractions that can justifiably be called unique in the National Park System. Consider that visitors can ride a restored railroad train, attend a summer concert by the famed Cleveland Orchestra, go cross-country skiing, drive a scenic byway, jog or bike alongside the historic Ohio & Erie Canal, attend a theater performance, play golf, go horseback riding, or admire some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the eastern United States—all within the boundaries of Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Running for 22 miles through the heart of the park, the Cuyahoga River once served as a poster child for pollution (it actually caught fire several times when massive oil slicks ignited). Though still no model of purity, the river has recovered enough that fish, birds, and other wildlife now abound along its tree-shaded length. Several villages within the park provide amenities such as dining, shopping, and bike rental. In the southwestern part of the park, Hale Farm and Village (Memorial Day–October) is a living history attraction that re-creates 19th-century farm life in the Cuyahoga Valley.

6.Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Boston Harbor, Massachusetts

In a world where open space is hard to find near cities, the National Park Service finds innovative ways to bring nature and recreational activities to urban residents. One good example is Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, a collection of 34 islands and peninsulas close to the historic Massachusetts capital, administered through a partnership among federal, state, and local government agencies and private businesses. “Minutes away, worlds apart” is the park’s slogan, and a visitor sea kayaking around Grape Island or hiking a trail at World's End, a 244-acre peninsula overlooking Hingham Harbor, would agree that the congestion of downtown Boston seems far removed. For great views of the Boston skyline, head to Spectacle Island, which has the highest point in the park, 157 feet above sea level, as well as 5 miles of hiking trails. History is represented at places such as Little Brewster Island, home to the country’s oldest light station, and 19th-century Army post Fort Warren on Georges Island.

7.  Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Gary and Michigan City, Indiana, and Chicago, Illinois

A very high percentage of the nearly two million annual visitors to Indiana Dunes come simply to sunbathe or swim along 15 miles of sandy Lake Michigan shore. In itself, that resource makes the park a treasured getaway for residents of Chicago and nearby cities such as Gary and Michigan City, Indiana. Beyond the beach, though, trails wind through natural habitats of surprising biodiversity, with rare plants and butterflies living among the dunes, savannas, marshes, prairies, and woodlands. Miller Woods, Cowles Bog, Heron Rookery, and Lyco-ki-we are among the best trails for nature lovers, while the Mount Baldy Trail ascends a 126-foot dune for a panoramic view of Lake Michigan. Mount Baldy is a “moving” dune, pushed about four feet a year by prevailing winds. For a glimpse into the area’s past, visit restored Chellberg Farm, where three generations of a family of Swedish farmers lived.

8.Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Atlanta, Georgia

Residents of Atlanta benefit today from planning decisions made in the 1970s, when public officials began working to protect 48 miles of the Chattahoochee River on the edge of the city. As Atlanta has grown, the various units of the national recreation area endure as green spaces for picnicking, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, and nature enjoyment. The river itself is extremely popular for canoeing, kayaking, tubing, and rafting, as well as fishing for trout, bass, and catfish. (Because river water comes from the dam on Lake Sidney Lanier, it’s mostly too cold for comfortable swimming even in summer.) Of the many separate units within the park, the Cochran Shoals area may be the most popular, with a three-mile trail and a wetlands boardwalk. Concessionaires rent kayaks, canoes, and inner tubes at several locations along the Chattahoochee.

9.Mississippi River National River and Recreation Area
Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota

With various units spanning 72 miles of the Mississippi River in the vicinity of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, this park is actually a consortium of state, regional, county, and municipal areas, ranging from city parks to museums and from wildlife refuges to historic sites. The Park Service owns only 35 of the recreation area’s 54,000 acres, but coordinates activities and assists travelers from its visitor center in downtown St. Paul. Other visitor centers are located in various units including Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis, home of 53-foot-tall Minnehaha Falls, mentioned in Longfellow’s poem “Song of Hiawatha.” Citizens of the Twin Cities happily avail themselves of the area’s opportunities for hiking, cross-country skiing (Fort Snelling State Park is a favorite), and canoeing. The 12.7-mile stretch of the Mississippi between the Crow River boat ramp and the Coon Rapids Dam offers excellent scenery and wildlife far different from the commercial waterway downstream.

10. Biscayne National Park Miami, Florida
Ninety-five percent of the 172,000 acres of this Florida Atlantic coast park is water—but that only makes it more of an attraction for residents of Miami, where boating is a way of life for many people. Within sight of downtown skyscrapers, Biscayne National Park offers diving, snorkeling, canoeing, and kayaking, as well as islands to visit for those with their own power boats. Exploring Biscayne Bay, one can see part of the world’s third largest coral reef, as well as more than 500 species of fish, sea turtles, manatees, dolphins, and occasionally American crocodiles. Some of the larger keys (coral islets) in the national park offer camping and hiking (winter is best for avoiding mosquitoes). Tropical hardwood forests host rare and endangered birds and butterflies. One oddly historic hiking path is the infamous “Spite Highway,” a road bulldozed in the 1960s by developers trying to ruin the environment and prevent the creation of a national park here. The seven-mile route on Elliott Key has slowly recovered from the intentional destruction, with native vegetation masking the scar


ORIGINAL Photographs vs unique SKETCH [LOL]

Posted by Unknown Aug 16, 2011 0 comments